"It's volunteering"
"So you won't get paid for it"
"Yep, that's right"
"And you're going to Leeds... just for the interview"
"Wow, that's dedication. Not many people would do that. Especially your age."
On the train heading to my interview for Team v, a man in his late thirties struck up conversation. As much as I like spontaneous bouts of train talk with a stranger, that was not the time. Feeling nervous about the interview, I was hoping to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing journey, keeping myself to myself - not face twenty questions before I had even entered the interview room. When we got onto where I was going and why though, I couldn't resist boring him with the details because of my excitement. His reaction (as seen in the above conversation) reminded me that not everyone gets it, which is why organisations such as vInspired and programmes like Team v are so important.
I've been volunteering on long and short term opportunities almost non-stop since I was eleven years old, so I was let in on the secret from an early age. You know, the secret... that volunteering is good for the mind, body and soul (and not forgetting the CV). If you didn't already know this, you're in the right place to be enlightened. If you are lucky enough to have already been bitten by the volunteering bug, then you should definitely stick around too!
Team v is a network of over 100 volunteers (aged 18-25) who want to change things for the better. It's a programme run by
vInspired, the youth-led organisation that aims to inspire a new generation of volunteers (aged 14-25). Team v leaders across England will recruit other young volunteers to help them plan, organise and deliver three social action projects to make a difference in their communities.
So how about we prove the man on the train wrong? As Tom Jones wisely said, 'It's not unusual' at all - young people across the country are volunteering their time for causes they believe in and Team v are set to deliver three amazing campaigns and show the world what we can do when we put our minds to it and are given the right support and guidance.
There are perks too, of course. Meet new people, learn new skills, do something good for your community and have fun...all at the same time! All you have to do is commit some of your time (as little or as much as you want) to help make Team v Derby City's campaigns come to life.
If this sounds right up your street, or you'd like to know more - get in touch today!
Email: Lucy.Dean@vinspired.com
Twitter: @TeamvDerbyCity
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TeamvDerbyCity
Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you know anyone aged 16-25 living in Derby please take a minute to share it with them.
I can't wait to hear from you!
Lucy - Team v Leader for Derby City
Team v - Changing the world...One campaign at a time
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